I ran into a post at Pat's Blog about a beginning of school activity which reminded me of an activity we do every couple of years--the kids love it. It is called Wacky Summer Camp and students make a trifold brochure (Click on the activities link) for a camp that does not exist. I give them the following instructions and show them some "real" brochures that I print off the Internet. We've gotten some great brochures for camps that include: Picky Eaters Camp, Space Camp (in space), Obedience Camp (for kids), Whiners Camp, IM Camp, etc
You may copy and paste the following info into Word and print a document for the kids. Enjoy!!
Wacky and Unusual Summer Camp
Your assignment is to design a brochure for an unusual summer camp. The camp needs to be for someone (thing) under the age of 18. It can"t be a “real” camp, but needs to be a very special camp that you invent. It can be as wacky or unusual as you like but is must contain the following:
What is the name of the camp?
Does the camp have a slogan or nickname?
Does the camp have a logo?
Where is the camp located?
What kind of facilities does the camp have?
Who is eligible to go? Do you have to have special skills to go?
What kinds of activities can be done there?
How much does it cost? And how long are the sessions?
Are there testimonials from parents or kids who know about the camp?
Be sure to include clipart, photos or original artwork in your brochure. You can find copyright free clipart and photos at the following sites.
Freefoto.com http://www.freefoto.com/
Pics4Learning http://www.pics4learning.com/
Animal Image Collection http://netvet.wustl.edu/pix.htm
Pictures for Projects http://www.indianchild.com/pictures_4_projects.htm
The Amazing Picture Machine http://www.ncrtec.org/picture.htm
Oswago City School District Photo Archives http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/photoa/
Awesome Clipart for Kids http://www.awesomeclipartforkids.com/
Kid’s Domain Clipart http://www.kidsdomain.com/clip/
Clipart for Kids http://www.thekidzpage.com/freeclipart.htm
Before you go to the computer lab you must have a “mock-up or prototype” of your brochure. You can use computer paper folded in thirds. Be sure to include a space for all artwork, also use the bottom back to put in a special designer logo and your name and class.
Your teacher will give you instructions on how to make a trifold brochure. Have fun!!
What a great idea! I printed it out. My traditional first week activity is not the one I put out on my blog- I teach about Ahmad- an imaginary student who is supposed to come to class the next day, but turns out to be too shy. I have pictures, and the day he doesn't show up, the children have to write a welcome to him.
Eventually the kids catch on that he is imaginary, but we have several writing assignments out of it.
Pat, Another activity I've used at the beginning of school uses the Elmer books. Elmer is a "different" elephant. Since I teach gifted kids we talk about how everybody is different and I read the book to them. I traced Elemr and put a template on a shared drive. They d/l the template and open it in Paint. They design their own Elmers. It makes a great bulletin board. I'll post this on my blog.
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